“As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” -Galatians 6:10

education, leadership, public square Aaron Anderson education, leadership, public square Aaron Anderson

Leaders Should Resist Pressure to Respond to the 24 Hr News Cycle

Leaders face constant pressure to respond to the 24 hour news and social media cycle. This can be exhausting to manage.

The cycle offers endless material for media consumers to digest: school shootings, leadership scandals, outlandish statements and behavior by political leaders and celebrities, botched police incidents, blatant examples of racism, and the list goes on. In addition, people within my own network are reporting personal news (marriages, divorces, births, deaths, new jobs, job losses, etc).

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public square, leadership, rebuild Aaron Anderson public square, leadership, rebuild Aaron Anderson

Peacekeeping is Exhausting Our Leaders

Peacekeeping is exhausting because it requires constant avoidance of problems, calculating the cost of missteps, and manipulating circumstances to keep warring groups from fighting. Peacekeepers try to keep the temperature down while anger and bitterness is boiling due to unresolved issues. At some point unresolved tensions will blow up. The peacekeeping leader knows this and it causes a great deal of stress to prolong the explosion.

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