“As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” -Galatians 6:10

faith, friends, family, church, relationships, growth Aaron Anderson faith, friends, family, church, relationships, growth Aaron Anderson

Two CS Lewis’ Titles Helping Me Celebrate the Life of a Friend

Where do we turn in our grief to find comfort in the unexplainable losses we endure in life?

There are two titles by CS Lewis that I have commended frequently as a pastor to people journeying through the valley of the shadow of death: A Grief Observed and The Great Divorce.

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faith, family Aaron Anderson faith, family Aaron Anderson

He Left Nothing Unsaid

In the midst of busy lives, often chaotic schedules, and a fraying and raging world that demands our constant attention and loyalty, I am convinced we often miss the most lasting reality in life: love.

Love is the most important legacy you will leave. Love remains. Love never fails.

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